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Diploma in Infection & Prevention Control

Healthcare-associated infections, also known as “nosocomial” infections, are infections that patients acquire in a hospital or other healthcare facility that were neither present nor incubating at the time of admission. These infections can also manifest after discharge from the facility and may include occupational infections contracted by healthcare staff

Why diploma in infection and prevention control is important?

Modern healthcare employs many types of invasive devices and procedures to treat patients and to help them recover. Infections can be associated with the devices used in medical procedures, such as catheters or ventilators. These healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) include central line-associated bloodstream infections, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, and ventilator-associated pneumonia. Infections may also occur at surgery sites, known as surgical site infections. CDC works to monitor and prevent these infections because they are an important threat to patient safety.

Course Structure

Module 1: Chain of Infection & Standard Precautions - Basics of Infection Prevention and Control

  • Gain a profound understanding of the Chain of Infection and its sequential steps.

  • Acquire strategies and insights for effectively breaking the Chain of Infection.

  • Understand the definition and key components of Standard Precautions.

  • Explore specific components of Standard Precautions, including Hand Hygiene, Cough etiquette, PPE utilization, Spill kit management, Needle stick injury response, environmental cleaning protocols, and Proper Sharps and waste disposal procedures.

  • Empower participants to apply practical techniques in infection prevention and control.

  • Establish a robust foundation in infection prevention within healthcare settings.

Module 2: Transmission-Based Precautions - Strategies for Patient Placement and Protocols

  • Understand strategies for strategic patient placement to mitigate infectious spread.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Contact Precautions, including specific protocols and rationale.

  • Explore Droplet Precautions, understanding its definition, key characteristics, and application in diverse healthcare scenarios.

  • Delve into Airborne Precautions, elucidating the precise measures required for effective implementation.

  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to adeptly navigate and apply Transmission-Based Precautions in healthcare settings.

  • Ensure optimal patient safety and infection control through the application of learned principles.

Module 3: Advanced HAI Surveillance Practices

  • Explore the related criteria defining Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs).

  • Understand the essential elements underpinning effective HAI surveillance.

  • Examine key surveillance indicators crucial for monitoring HAIs.

  • Consider factors influencing surveillance location and period.

  • Delve into a detailed exploration of surveillance methodology.

  • Acquire practical skills in surveillance data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

  • Ensure a comprehensive understanding of advanced HAI surveillance practices.

  • Apply learned principles for maintaining the highest standards in healthcare settings.

Module 4: Advanced HAI Management Strategies

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Device-Associated, Procedure-Associated, and Medication-Associated modules within the HAI context.

  • Emphasize proactive strategies for infection prevention in patient safety.

  • Delve into the complexities of managing Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDROs).

  • Acquire proficiency in implementing Bundles, and structured sets of interventions designed to improve patient outcomes.

  • Focus on specific bundles, including the Central Line Bundle, Ventilator Bundle, Urinary Catheter Bundle, Surgical Bundle, and Dialysis Bundle.

  • Ensure participants are well-equipped to enhance patient safety through advanced HAI management practices.

Module 5: Occupational Health and Safety

  • Develop a thorough understanding of general occupational health principles.

  • Emphasize the application of occupational health principles within healthcare contexts.

  • Explore specific risks associated with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

  • Gain insights into preventive measures and protocols for occupational health.

  • Cover the critical aspect of immunization for healthcare personnel.

  • Ensure participants are well-versed in the necessary vaccinations to safeguard their health in occupational settings.

  • Equip learners with knowledge and skills essential for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment in healthcare.


Module 6: Advanced Infection Prevention Program Development

  • Understand the key components of an effective Infection Prevention Program.

  • Explore foundational principles and advanced strategies in crafting and
    implementing the program.

  • Gain a comprehensive grasp of the elements that constitute a successful
    Infection Prevention Program.

  • Emphasize formulating and executing an annual plan as a critical aspect of
    the program.

  • Explore the intricacies of program development, implementation, and

  • Develop skills necessary to spearhead and maintain a proactive
    infection prevention approach within healthcare settings.

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